The embedded system controller for all RI7100A and CASSINI systems run the RI System Software on OS/2 or eComStation (eCS). The hardware "compatible OS" includes both the RI System Software version and embedded OS release version.
The latest version of embedded OS that is compatible with all RI system hardware is eComStation 2.1 released May 2011.
RI System Software
Contact [email protected] for the latest patches.
Latest Release: 21c
Patch Level: 715 (as of 10/2011)
Latest RI7100A Software Updates
Latest Release: GF10R32A
Patch Level: N/A (Updates issued 'as needed', no minimum level required)
Contact [email protected] for Latest Updates
Embedded OS
The embedded OS does not support patches, only release levels.
Latest Release: 4.52
Patch Level: N/A
Release Date: December 2001
The RI System Software works with OS/2 Warp 4.52. Systems shipped with OS/2 should use OS/2 4.52 and NOT upgrade to eComStation.
Note: IBM stopped supporting OS/2 Dec 2006. [More Information]
Note about IT Security: OS/2 has very few native computer viruses; while it is not invulnerable by design, its reduced market share appears to have discouraged virus writers. There are, however, OS/2-based antivirus programs, dealing with DOS viruses and Windows viruses that could pass through an OS/2 server. The RI System controller has reduced exposure due to being deployed behind corporate firewalls and on production floors with limited internet access. For concerns about malware and virus prevention, see RI System Software - Security and Anti-Virus document.
Latest Release: 2.1
Patch Level: N/A
Release Date: May 2011
Version 2.1 "Whats New"
The RI System Software supports ALL versions of eComStation. Systems shipped with eComStation should use the version of eComStation that shipped with the system.
Latest Relase: 5.0.4
Release Date:
Upgrading Embedded OS
Please contact [email protected] for information about upgrading the system controller's RI System Software or embedded OS. The RIK0019A can be purchased to replace the RI7100A system controller.