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Creating a S-Parameter Single Port Calibration Test Plan:

  • Install and activate the fixture that is to be calibrated. It is assumed here that you have created a software fixture and have defined in it the RF paths to be calibrated.
  • Find the fixture calibration test plan templates at "D:\RIAPPS\caltests\Fixture\Standard Templates\".
  • The Standard Templates directory basically contains template calibration plans for fixture ports RF2 through RF7. S-parameter based calibration plans are represented by those test plans for RF2, RF3, RF6, and RF7 and require OSL calibration boards or standards. RF4 and RF5 are scaler calibrations only, with RF4 requiring that RF5 be calibrated first. RF5 requires that a power meter be active and present on the test system.
  • Choose the appropriate RF port template and copy it to an application specific test plan name.
  • Open the renamed testplan in order to edit it.
  • Starting in the "Global Defaults" make sure that fixture test path is correctly defined. To change the path name simply click on the center portion of the button and select from the path choices. Failure to do this may result in unwanted calibration data being applied to the fixture RF port.

  • Next, for S-Parameter calibration plans, find the "fixture cal factor reset" button typically located in the "OPEN" test panel of the test plan. Make sure that the proper fixture path is defined here as well. Failure to do this may result in unwanted loss of calibration data previously recorded for a different fixture RF port or the creation of an unwanted fixture RF path.

  • Next, find the calibration data save button found in the calculation test panel of the test plan. Make sure this button reflects the name of the desired calibrated path in which to save the data. Failure to do this may result in saving calibration data to an unwanted fixture RF port or the creation of an unwanted fixture RF path.

  • Find the frequency range buttons and specify the desired start, stop, and step settings for the application. Check the global defaults, section defaults, and the test panels for these buttons.

  • Also find the power settings for the frequency source and change the default value, which may be text, to an actual power in dBm. Again, check the global defaults, section defaults, and the test panels for these buttons. A good setting for these tests is -5 dBm.
  • Once all the edits have been made, compile and run the test plan.
  • During the compile and run process check the message window for warnings. Make adjustments to the calibration plan until the errors and warnings have been removed from the message window.
  • Make sure that you save your changes as you progress through the edit process.

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