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Document Purpose:

To provide the test engineer a guide in Defining the Software DIB ( DUT Interface Board ).

What does the Software DIB do?
The Software DIB provides to the Tester a definition of the hardware DIB. This allows for the application of calibration data related to the DIB to be applied during test.

Major steps:
Creating the Software DIB:
  1. It is encouraged that a Software DUT be created before proceeding. Database 'Parts', View 'Documented Parts', Document 'Creating a Software DUT'
  2. Under the Programmers Message Window select Test and then Device Interfaces. At this point a Device Interfaces window will open up ( Figure 1 ). Select New and a Fixture class window will open up ( Figure 2 ).
  3. After selecting the Fixture class the user will automatically be asked for the name of the new DIB.
  4. After naming the new DIB the user will then be asked to select the DUT associated with the DIB as shown in Figure 3. The Device Interface window will automatically be updated with the new DIB at this point.

< Major Steps >

Figure 1
Device Interfaces
< Creating the Software DIB >

Figure 2
Fixture Class
< Creating the Software DIB > >

Figure 3
Select DUT

< Major Steps > < Creating the Software DIB >

Editing the Pins of the Software DIB:
1. Highlight the DIB that you wish to edit as shown in Figure 4. Using a right mouse button click a menu will appear. From this menu choose Edit.
2. A Device Interface Definition window as found in Figure 5 will appear. It would also be helpful to have the Pins editing window open for the DUT intended for the DIB ( Fig. 6 ). This is done by:
        • Selecting Test then Devices from under the Message Window.
        • Highlighting the desired DUT to be used and, with a right mouse button click, choosing Pins from the menu.
3. Make sure that the proper Fixture Name appears in the upper right hand field of the Device Interface Definition window. If it does not, choose from the selections provided. Also remember to choose the Fixture Type.
4. Enter the DIB Type in the upper left hand field.
5. Edit the Fixture Connection >> Device Pin interface by highlighting the desired path to be changed. Once you have highlighted the path choose the Device Pin field and select the DUT pin associated with that path. Also make sure that you select a Calibration Type for each pin were required. Once the Fixture Connections have all been defined, as shown in Figure 7, select OK and the edit window will close.

< Major Steps >

Figure 4
Device Interfaces

< Editing Pins >

Figure 5
Device Interface Define

< Editing Pins >

Figure 6
Pin Definition

< Editing Pins >

Figure 7
Defined Fixture Connections

< Major Steps > < Editing Pins >

Manually Adding A Calibration Factor:
1. Select the "Inspect" button in the Devive Interface Definition window. A listing of the calibration factors contained in the software DIB will appear.
2. Highlight any of the calibration factors present in the window and with a RMBC select "Add Item" from the pull down menu that will appear. Give your calibration factor a name and select "OK" from the naming window selection.
3. Highlight the newly created calibration factor and notice that its value is "nil" in the right hand side of the window.
4. Highlight the "nil" and type RiLogD new:1 or RiRealD new:1 in its place.
5. Click on one of the other calibration factors and you will be asked to save changes - answer "Yes". The new calibration factor should show up as RiLogD(0.0) or RiRealD(1.0) depending on what you typed in previously.
6. To edit the number, double click on the calibration factor and a window will open up that will allow you to actually change the number value.

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