If planning an EPC exchange, it may be useful to backup the local guru and apps so the replacement EPC can be setup with all the correct settings. Without a Guru Server, an EPC exchange requires that the D:/RiApps and D:/RiGuru directories are transferred.
Perform the steps below before removing the original EPC. ONLY If the EPC won't boot, the drive would have to be exchanged in a functioning EPC and then these steps must be followed. Do not move the drive to a new EPC because it contains unique calibration data for the RIFL master and may cause the tester startup process to fail. Please contact [email protected] for specific instructions for migrating that information.
To Transfer EPC Guru and Applications Directories:
- Backup currently running EPC: (choose A or B)
- For standard EPC (ArcaOS), open a command window and enter the following commands to archive the RiGuru and RiApps directories creating a .zip file. (-r is required to recurse into directories, -s splits into 2G files, -9 is max compression). Always press [enter] key at the end of each command.
zip -r -s 2000m -9 BackupYYYYMMDD RiGuru RiApps - For secure EPC (Win10), select the RiApps and RiGuru directores from the home path (%HOMEPATH% or C:\Users\<Username>) and choose Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder from the right mouse button menu.)
- Attach a compatible USB drive and copy the archive. If a shared network drive is mounted, change "e:" to be the drive letter of the intended destination.
copy Backup*.zip e: - Once the file copy command completes, eject the USB drive with the USB Eject icon in the lower right corner. (See Figure 1)
- Proceed to Shut Down the OS and swap EPCs. Startup the replacement EPC and attach the USB Drive.
- Restore to new EPC:
- For standard EPC (ArcaOS), open a command window from the OS taskbar and type:
d: [enter]
unzip -o e:\BackupYYYMMDD.zip - For secure EPC (Win10), right click on the .ZIP file and choose Extract All, choose Browse, then type %HOMEPATH% in the top of the Select a destination prompt and press ENTER. The destination will change to "C:\Users\<Username>" and choose Select Folder. Then press Extract.
- Choose System > Shutdown to restart Guru
- Proceed with the other steps on the Exchange System Controller EPC TIM Checklist https://roos.com/docs/RBEH-APL2LM
Figure 1: Eject F: Drive
This process requires a compatible USB drive or shared network drive. See these related app notes for details.
- Prepare USB Drive for Cassini EPC and Virtual Workstation (FAT + 2 GB max partition) https://roos.com/docs/RBEH-AXWT54
- Sharing Network Folders https://roos.com/docs/RBEH-7LD4MU