RI offers a quick docking solution for many Handler types. If using RI Docking plate, a Fixture must have Docking Ears that connect to a Docking Plate that is mounted to the Handler via an Adapter Plate.
Fixture Docking Ears
- Standard - RIK0068A
- Intest Compatible - RIK0165A (RI Docking Plate is NOT needed, but ears are compatible with all RI Docking Plates)
Docking Plates
Common Adapter Plates (W1MF...)
- BCME - Floating Conn
- BEWA - National
- BEXB - Multi-test
- BFBC - Sowa
- BGTC - Float Coax
- BWBA - Seiko Epson (type A)
- CSXA - Seiko Epson (type B)
- CTUB - Seiko Epson (type C)
- CUHA - Avantest 2000AX
- Your Handler: ______________
Handler Docking Examples |