"CalKit" objects contain the coefficients of the Standards used during the Calibration process. The calibration is INVALID if the values in the coefficients for the "Open" and the "Noise Source" are not correct or if the cal due date of the standards has passed. Before you use a Cal Kit to perform a Calibration, confirm that the coefficients for the open and for the noise source are correct by Inspecting the values in the definitions and change them if they are different. Check the "Open" standard to confirm that it was entered correctly. This only changes if the "Open" was damaged and re-calibrated. Check the Noise Source to check that it was entered correctly and has not changed. Every time the Noise Source is calibrated, its coefficients may change. This needs to be reflected in the CalKit definition. WR-12 standards for calibrating 80 GHz configurations can be combined with the 40 GHz OSL standards. The Power Sensor data for the 80 GHz Cal Kit addition also requires a separate instrument calibration object and step to activate.
CAUTION: Do not modify the coefficients unless they have changed or the serial numbers do not match.
IMPORTANT: Do not use a Cal Kit def if the valid cal date has been passed. All values must be inspected and the physical standard requires calibration by a Calibration lab.
The CalKit Naming Convention includes a descriptive name that matches the physical Box name (i.e. "ROOS CalKit #1") then the last valid cal date in YYYY-MM-DD notation (i.e. "2002-01-14") then the serial numbers of the Noise Source and OSL Box in this form NS_-#####-OSL-###### (i.e. "NS-22323_OSL-10100101"). Please continue using this naming convention to reduce the chance for errors selecting the wrong CalKit definition when performing a Calibration. For example: "ROOS_CalKit_2002-01-14_NS-22323_OSL-10100101" or "MILK_CalKit_2021-11-02_NS-12344_OSL-44003020". The last valid cal date is the soonest Cal Due date, so in the example the NS or OSL cal is valid until Jan 2002.
After Loading a CalKit into the Configuration, make any needed changes and rename the CalKit before saving.
Load CalKit into Configuration
The CalKit instrument is used by the calibration test plans to perform the calculations necessary to generate the vector error adaptors to correct for phase and magnitude. These coefficients are stored in Guru as ri.sys.ObjClass=RiCalibrationKit and can be inspected and modified from a tester or virtual workstation.
Start Cassini with the most recent Short Cut with a user with Maintenance role (See
Guru Log-on Privilege Types).
- Open the System Configuration window by pressing the System > Tester buttons.
- The CalKit instrument can be added from the Tester Configuration window or from the Calibration Exec window.
Add the desired Cal Kit by choosing Instrument > Add CalKit... and select the appropriate CalKit from the Choose Cal Kit list and press select.
Launch the Cal Exec by choosing Tester > Calibrate from the Configuration window. From the Cal Exec, choose Options > Select Cal Kit and select the appropriate CalKit from the Choose Cal Kit list and press select.
To Rename a Cal Kit:
- Select the CalKit instrument in the Configuation window.
- Choose Retitle from the right mouse button menu and enter the new Cal Kit Name. (See Figure 1)
- Choose Calibration > Save to make the name change permenent.
Figure 1: Retitle Right Mouse Button Menu

To Inspect or Modify the Open, Short and Load Standards:

- From the Configuration window, Right Mouse Button Click (RMBC) on the CalKit instrument, select Calibration > Inspect.
- Double-click on Open. You will see coefficient values for C0, C1, C2, and C3 in "e" notation. Verify that these match the corresponding coefficients from Open standard. If not, change them directly in the text entry field on the right.
- Verify that the serial number in sn matches the documented serial number and matches the serial number of the actual open. If not, change it. (Note: If WR-12 standards are used, the values are correct and confirm both standards serial numbers are listed.)
- Close this panel.
- For the short and load, the only thing to change is the serial number. Double-click on Load. Highlight sn. Verify that it matches the serial number of the actual load. If not, change it. Close this panel.
- Repeat this process (step 7) for Short.
- (Optional) If a WR-12 Standards are used (80 GHz Cal Kit extension), then inspect longOffset. You will see dim and length values that need to match the standards. Close and double click on shortOffset and confirm dim and length values.
- Close all open Inspecting... panels.
- If you have changed anything, with the CalKit instrument selected choose Calibration > Save from the right mouse button menu. Use the CalKit Naming Convention mentioned above to update the CalKit.
- (Optional) Use Guru Explorer to obsolete the old revision of the Cal Kit.
To Inspect or Modify the Noise Source:

- From the Configuration window, right mouse button click (RMBC) on the CalKit , select Calibration > Inspect.
- Double-click on enrTable, then double-click on enr.
- Depending on the frequency range, there are normally 20 coefficients, corresponding to the 20 values on the noise source's label. Select 1. Verify that the frequency is 10 (corresponding to the 10 MHz coefficient on the noise source's label).
- Select Power.
ATTENTION! The power displayed is a linear number as shown by the lin button (the button shows what the current format is). Click on the lin button to change the format to log. The button should now show log.
Confirm that this number exactly matches the coefficient on the noise source's label. If not, change it and select ok. - Repeat this process for ALL the other coefficients, then close this panel.
- Verify that the serial number in sn matches the serial number of the noise source. If not, change it.
- Close the panels. If you have changed anything, RMBC on the CalKit instrument, choose Calibration >Save.

To inspect the PMeter77GHz power sensor:
Get the 'Power Sensor' coefficients from the printed label on the side of the Power Sensor.
- From the Configuration window, right mouse button click (RMBC) on the PowerMeter77GHz, select Calibration > Inspect. Double-click on Sensor cal data (name varies), and choose the
- There are normally 20 coefficients, corresponding to the 20 values on the noise source's label. Select 1. Verify that the frequency is 10 (corresponding to the 10 MHz coefficient on the noise source's label).
- Select Power
ATTENTION! The power displayed is a linear number as shown by the lin button (the button shows what the current format is). Click on the lin button to change the format to log. The button should now show log.
Confirm that this number exactly matches the coefficient on the noise source's label. If not, change it and select ok. - Repeat this process for ALL the other coefficients, then close this panel.
- Close the panels. If you have changed anything, RMBC on the CalKit instrument, choose Calibration >Save.