This checklist should be used to configure standard settings, restore Guru settings, and handle customization and prepare for recovery for the Cassini EPC. For a detailed overview, please reference Exchange Overview for System Controller EPC TIM.
A) Standard OS Settings
- Screen Resolution to match Display (System Settings > Display). ELO Touch screen: 1024x768x32 @ 60Hz -or- LCD Display 1920x1080x32 @60 Hz (common)
- Time Zone and NTP settings TZ? ___________
System Setup > Clock Synchronization Settings, Enable (Check) Synchronize the system clock every [720] minutes. Using Server: [pick geographic location or set company ntp server], Timezone: [timezone] Change, OK.Clock Synchronization Settings.
- Hostname and IP Address Settings (Default = DHCP). System Setup > Networking > TCP/IP > TCP/IP Configuration (Network, Routing and Host Names tab)
Change Hostname in eCS
How to rename Tester (STDF Node Name)
Mac Address Command = "netstat -n | grep phy | head -n1" (eCS use netstat -n | more)
To restore net settings prepared in D2, copy to c:\ drive and run "unzip" (See Attachment 1 below) - Shutdown the OS: Choose ArcaOS > Shut down... and select "Shut down only" in Reboot options. The EPC will restart automatically. (See
Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC Restart Failure)
- Guru ID must match Tester's Serial Number. If available, unzip from the D:\GuruKeys directory or read it out of the RIFL nodes via the the Cassini app: Guru > Logon > "roos inst" "cathy". Choose Guru > ShortCuts > [latest] > "Serial Number mismatch" prompt > OK. Wait for the tester to load, once the date is displayed in the message window and CPU utilization drops, choose System > Tester from the Cassini main window, then choose Tester > Change EPC SerialNumber > OK. Close Cassini main window and restart Guru by selecting System > Shutdown.
- Restore Guru Settings (need Guru Server hostname or IP): Close Ri GuruServer Startup task by choosing Close from the right mouse button menu. Open a Command Prompt window, type "d: [enter]" then "cd riapps\guruserver [enter]", then "startApp.cmd -RiBackupGuru <ServerIP> -RiUpdateGuru <ServerIP> [enter]".
- After restarting Guru, restore Guru locally owned objects including Address Book entries with System > Replicate (for v<68, System > Restore).
- Backup Guru Objects with Apps > Sync Util to send firmware and cal data to Guru Server. Select <ServerName> as Guru B and press Connect Gurus then Compare Gurus. Now press Sync Up (Update Guru B from Guru A).
- VNC: Programs > Installed Software > PM VNC Server > PM VNC Server > Password [xxxx] > OK.
Then select PM VNC Server icon from the folder and right click Create Shadow..., to Startup folder > Desktop > Local System > Startup > Create. - FTP: Programs > Installed Software > FtpServer > Setup. Share the D:\ drive, use passwords.
Then select FTPD icon from the folder and right click Create Shadow..., to Startup folder > Desktop > Local System > Startup > Create. - Printers added via Desktop > Local System > Printers > Install Printers. Choose MFG and add device info. Right Click on any printer and choose Default Printer.
- Mount shared network drives (SMB/CIFS) mounted from the Desktop > Local Network > File and Directory Connections (Samba) > New Resource. After mounting drive, choose File > Autostart > Enable to reconnect drives after reboot.
- Archive Desktop UI (changes to Startup). Right Click on Desktop > Restart Desktop... > check Archive Desktop once after restart > OK. This allows the desktop settings to be recovered from the Alt+F2 Recovery screen at boot. (See
Recovering a System Controller with ALT+F2)
- To Backup Network Settings, open a Command window and run "zip -r NetworkBak C:\TCPIP\BIN\TCPSTART.CMD C:\MPTN\ETC\RESOLV2 C:\MPTN\BIN\MPTCONFG.INI C:\MPTN\BIN\MPTSTART.CMD C:\MPTN\BIN\SETUP.CMD C:\MPTN\ETC\TCPOS2.INI C:\MPTN\ETC\HOSTS C:\MPTN\ETC\DHCPCD.CFG" then copy to a USB drive for recovery. (See Attachment 1)
- Reboot EPC: Power Icon > Shutdown Only and confirm green Log on button after EPC automatically reboots.
Attachment 1: Zip Network Settings Command
Download the above file to a USB drive, attach to EPC and run in step D2 above.