RiGuruArchive folder contains a copy of every object in the Guru repository that has been saved locally. The ~/RiGuruArchive folder is located in the root home directory, along side ~/RiApps and ~/RiGuru directories (Drive-D on the EPC, /home/guru on Linux). This redundant 2nd copy is only used by Guru automatically when the 1st copy was not written successfully by the operating system (0 bytes or digital signature failure), specifically intended for Cassini EPCs without server grade SSD. Guru Server version 74.36 introduced an option to disable this feature. This also doubles the storage requirements and, as of Guru Server version 74.35, the RiGuruArchive folder does not seem to expire objects as expected so it will continue to grow until all storage is used.
As of Feb 2022, Cassini Virtual Workstations (vbox) and Guru Server running on Linux has not been affected by a corrupted write and so, if disk storage capacity is a concern, this feature should be manually disabled by following the steps below. RI recommends leaving this enabled on Cassini EPCs.
See also:

Requires: Guru Server v74.36+
To Disable RiGuruArchive:
- From the target system, choose Apps > Guru Explorer.
- Choose RiSystem from the dropdown list below Key1 ri.sys.ObjectClass.
- Choose ri.sys.Owner from the dropdown list belwo Key2
- Select the Guru ID of the system (server, VM or Tester) below ri.sys.Owner. (see also
What is my Guru ID?)
- Select the object with the most recent ri.sys.CreationDate.
- Choose Edit > Attributes and Object menu to open the Editing window.
- In the pane on the far right, add the following line anywhere in the :INFO section.
NoGuruArchive=true - Choose File > Save menu and then close the Editing window.
- From the OS filesystem, delete the ~/RiGuruArchive directory. If the folder is removed via a GUI, remember to empty the Trash or choose to Permenently Delete.
(for example, this terminal command: rm -rf ~/RiGuruArvchive) - Restart Guru Server application by choosing System > Shutdown.
Figure 1: Editing :INFO section of RiSystem object