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This checklist should be used to configure standard settings, restore Guru settings, and handle customization and prepare for recovery for the Cassini EPC. For a detailed overview, please reference Database 'Product Docs', View 'All Documents', Document 'System Controller Exchange Overview (EPC TIM)'Exchange Overview for System Controller EPC TIM.

A) Standard OS Settings

    1. Screen Resolution to match Display (System Settings > Display). ELO Touch screen: 1024x768x32 @ 60Hz -or- LCD Display 1920x1080x32 @60 Hz (common)
    2. Time Zone and NTP settings TZ? ___________
      System Setup > Clock Synchronization Settings, Enable (Check) Synchronize the system clock every [720] minutes. Using Server: [pick geographic location or set company ntp server], Timezone: [timezone] Change, OK. Database 'Product Docs', View 'All Documents', Document 'Timezone and Clock Synchronization (NTP) on EPC'Clock Synchronization Settings.
    3. Hostname and IP Address Settings (Default = DHCP). System Setup > Networking > TCP/IP > TCP/IP Configuration (Network, Routing and Host Names tab) Database 'Product Docs', View 'All Documents', Document 'Change Hostname in eComStation or OS/2'Change Hostname in eCS Database 'Product Docs', View 'All Documents', Document 'How to Rename Tester (STDF Node Name)'How to rename Tester (STDF Node Name)
      Mac Address Command = "netstat -n | grep phy | head -n1" (eCS use netstat -n | more)
      To restore net settings prepared in D2, copy NetworkBak.zip to c:\ drive and run "unzip NetworkBak.zip" (See Attachment 1 below)
    4. Shutdown the OS: Choose ArcaOS > Shut down... and select "Shut down only" in Reboot options. The EPC will restart automatically. (See Database 'Product Docs', View 'Topic\Service Bulletins', Document 'Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC Restart Failure'Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC Restart Failure)
B) Restore Guru Settings
    1. Guru ID must match Tester's Serial Number. If available, unzip from the D:\GuruKeys directory or read it out of the RIFL nodes via the the Cassini app: Guru > Logon > "roos inst" "cathy". Choose Guru > ShortCuts > [latest] > "Serial Number mismatch" prompt > OK. Wait for the tester to load, once the date is displayed in the message window and CPU utilization drops, choose System > Tester from the Cassini main window, then choose Tester > Change EPC SerialNumber > OK. Close Cassini main window and restart Guru by selecting System > Shutdown.
    2. Restore Guru Settings (need Guru Server hostname or IP): Close Ri GuruServer Startup task by choosing Close from the right mouse button menu. Open a Command Prompt window, type "d: [enter]" then "cd riapps\guruserver [enter]", then "startApp.cmd -RiBackupGuru <ServerIP> -RiUpdateGuru <ServerIP> [enter]".
    3. After restarting Guru, restore Guru locally owned objects including Address Book entries with System > Replicate (for v<68, System > Restore).
    4. Backup Guru Objects with Apps > Sync Util to send firmware and cal data to Guru Server. Select <ServerName> as Guru B and press Connect Gurus then Compare Gurus. Now press Sync Up (Update Guru B from Guru A).
C) Optional OS Customization
    1. VNC: Programs > Installed Software > PM VNC Server > PM VNC Server > Password [xxxx] > OK.
      Then select PM VNC Server icon from the folder and right click Create Shadow..., to Startup folder > Desktop > Local System > Startup > Create.
    2. FTP: Programs > Installed Software > FtpServer > Setup. Share the D:\ drive, use passwords.
      Then select FTPD icon from the folder and right click Create Shadow..., to Startup folder > Desktop > Local System > Startup > Create.
    3. Printers added via Desktop > Local System > Printers > Install Printers. Choose MFG and add device info. Right Click on any printer and choose Default Printer.
    4. Mount shared network drives (SMB/CIFS) mounted from the Desktop > Local Network > File and Directory Connections (Samba) > New Resource. After mounting drive, choose File > Autostart > Enable to reconnect drives after reboot.
D) Prepare Recovery
    1. Archive Desktop UI (changes to Startup). Right Click on Desktop > Restart Desktop... > check Archive Desktop once after restart > OK. This allows the desktop settings to be recovered from the Alt+F2 Recovery screen at boot. (See Database 'Product Docs', View 'All Documents', Document 'Recovering RI System Controller with ALT+F2'Recovering a System Controller with ALT+F2)
    2. To Backup Network Settings, open a Command window and run "zip -r NetworkBak C:\TCPIP\BIN\TCPSTART.CMD C:\MPTN\ETC\RESOLV2 C:\MPTN\BIN\MPTCONFG.INI C:\MPTN\BIN\MPTSTART.CMD C:\MPTN\BIN\SETUP.CMD C:\MPTN\ETC\TCPOS2.INI C:\MPTN\ETC\HOSTS C:\MPTN\ETC\DHCPCD.CFG" then copy to a USB drive for recovery. (See Attachment 1)
    3. Reboot EPC: Power Icon > Shutdown Only and confirm green Log on button after EPC automatically reboots.

    Attachment 1: Zip Network Settings Command


    Download the above file to a USB drive, attach to EPC and run in step D2 above.

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