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All products manufactured by Roos Instruments; either RI Kits (RIK####A) or 8 character manufactured parts, are intended for use with Automated Test Equipment produced by Roos Instruments, Inc.

Suggested Replacements: Items tagged with "Limited Availability" will list the suggested replacement on their Product page. Visit the Product Catalog Table ( https://roos.com/table ) for a complete listing of all parts.

Manufacturer: Roos Instruments, Inc.
Address: 2285 Martin Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95050 United States
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone Number: +1-408-748-8589

Made in USA
All products conform the the industry standards and safety practices as required by California and United States law. All items are manufactured, assembled, tested and verified to be functional according to assembly procedures.

RoHS Exemption
Products made by Roos Instruments are exempt from RoHS standards for lead free components due to the performance characteristics of lead free components and the class of hardware as "Large-scale stationary industrial tools (LSSIT)" category. (EEE Cat. 6: Large-scale stationary industrial tools).

Reference: ROHS Directive,
https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/waste-and-recycling/rohs-directive/implementation-rohs-directive_en, https://www.rohsguide.com/rohs-categories.html
End-of-Life Return Commitment
Roos Instruments gladly accepts decommissioned Cassini systems for recycling at the factory. Please do not discard RI ATE systems in landfill, the electrical components may contain lead.
Please contact [email protected] for a RMA number and to arrange shipment, shipping costs are not paid. See
End of Life: Decommissioning of Cassini Systems for more information.

This Certificate of Compliance prepared by Roos Instruments, Inc.

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