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High Power Supply/Pulser TIM

Power FETs, BJTs, and IGBT devices as well as wide band-gap materials such as GaN and SiC

Part Number: RI8589D

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The RI8589 High Power Supply/Pulser TIM provides an all-in-one production solution for power device parametric measurement, characterization, and drive supply. With a broad measurement range from sub- µA to 200V/20A, this instrument allows evaluation of power FETs, BJTs, and IGBT devices as well as wide band-gap materials such as GaN and SiC. The RI8589 enables precise, small on-resistance measurements and 10µs fast pulse capability for complete power device characterization, temperature stress, and failure analysis.

High Power Supply/Pulser RI8589

Differences between hardware Revisions:
Rev D includes -100 V DC capability

Rev C is addition of HV 4, Polyfuses for improved field reliability, MELF Resistors for better performance across temperature changes.

Rev B adds 1 Msps ADCs to allow profiling the voltage or current during the pulse. This gives 1 uSecond step size. There is no change is the measured accuracy. With this comes high speed averaging on voltage and current. Averages are now at the 1 MSps rate vs 0.08 before. The average computation is now in hardware so the test time is much faster ( mS vs 10s of mS ). The pulse current measurement has been changed to bipolar so that we can measure current undershoots during the pulse. This also improves the accuracy around zero current. The current limit accuracy has been improved from 6 bits to 11.