This item will not be restocked when depleted and should be avoided for new designs.
View RIKs with Limited Availability for a complete list.
Aditional replacements may be found by searching for FIXTURE (change the REV letter) or Fixture - the Custom Testhead.
Fixture has 3 layers: Outer: Inner: Custom
Outer layer is reusable for the life of the part FAMILY, used for probers, handlers, and engineering boards for device characterization (pre-production)
OUTER (Reusable)
Bottom : Sides : Tops : Pedestal Clamp & Support : Handler Docking
Inner Layer holds Fixture Modules for extended capabilities. Multisite, switching and conditioning
INNER (Reusable)
Blocks : Inserts : Modules : Carriers : Cables
Custom Layer is focused on a specific DUT layout (pin locations, socket, etc)
CUSTOM (Part Family)
Pedsetal : DIB : Socket