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RF Cable, Conform, PKZ#12(f)-K(m), 2"

Module or Component to TIM RF Block, 40 GHz

Part Number: RIK0237B


For connecting 2.9mm K connector Component or Fixture Module to the 40 GHz TIM RF Block.

Quantity Connector Type(s) Genders Angle(s)
Side A 1 PKZ #12 F
Side B 1 K 2.9 M
Max Frequency:  40 GHz
Cable Length:  2 inches
Cable Structure:  Conformable (Limited Bend, Mid Stability)
Fixture Block Type: 

Item Ref Part Number QTY Description Category Qty in Stock
1ARY3EX5A1RIK0237B Module Packaging.PDF (sheet of 4)Dcmnt
2MLYT6U1A1Coax Confrm .085 #12F-2.9mmF 4hole flange 2.3"*Coax
3MRU4KP1A1Clam Shell Packaging Inside Cavity 2.625W"X3.064H"X 0.5DSppls
4MRXETE7A1Packaging Foam , Soft 3/8" Anti-Static for Clam Shell Packaging, PinkSppls
BOM Refreshed:05/11/2020 06:24 PM