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This item will not be restocked when depleted and should be avoided for new designs.
This product entered limited availablity on 02/01/2020. View RIKs with Limited Availability for a complete list.

Suggested Replacement: RI8568C

Expiration Reason: New Test Head "Rev C" Rotation Lock

Aditional replacements may be found by searching for RI8568B (change the REV letter) or Infrastructure - Cassini 16.

Infrastructure - Cassini 16

16 TIMs - Production, R&D (+4 rack TIMS in AUX)

Part Number: RI8568B

Please visit the Instruments page for the latest Briefs.

Test Instrument Modules Browse Instruments »

Includes: Test head, Manipulator, RIFL Hub, Power Supplies,

Does not include EPC TIM or Basic ATE Software (Guru + Cassini RI System Software), Touchscreen, handler or prober interface.

TIMs and Infrastructure Sources greater than 20 GHz require an Auxiliary rack (RI8576A)

Related Documents:

Product Docs
Cassini Footprint - Cassini 16