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This item will not be restocked when depleted and should be avoided for new designs.
This product entered limited availablity on 02/10/2020. View RIKs with Limited Availability for a complete list.

Suggested Replacement: RI8606A

Expiration Reason: New design

Aditional replacements may be found by searching for RI8591A (change the REV letter) or Infrastructure - Cassini SPYDER, 16 TIM Slots.

Infrastructure - Cassini SPYDER, 16 TIM Slots

16 TIMs - Production, R&D

Part Number: RI8591A

Please visit the Instruments page for the latest Briefs.

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Includes: Test head, Manipulator (for docking to handler), two RIFL II (Shielded RJ45) Pod ports, Power Supplies, EPC (embedded System Controller) with Software Subscription (1 yr)

Does not include, TIMs, Touchscreen, handler/prober interface POD, Guru Server.

Related Documents:

Product Docs
Cassini Footprint - 8 SPYDER