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This item will not be restocked when depleted and should be avoided for new designs.
This product entered limited availablity on 08/08/2023. View RIKs with Limited Availability for a complete list.

Suggested Replacement: RI8608A

Expiration Reason: Linux OS and USB RIFL with Cassin in Container

Aditional replacements may be found by searching for RI8574A (change the REV letter) or Cassini System Controller, ArcaOS EPC TIM.

Cassini System Controller, ArcaOS EPC TIM

Cassini 16 Disaster Recovery

Part Number: RI8574A

Please visit the Instruments page for the latest Briefs.

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Cassini 16 System Controller with ArcaOS and RI System Software including Guru.

RI8583A - Production Arm with Touch Screen Monitor, keyboard and mouse included with model ,

RI8596A - Desktop (development) Monitor and keyboard, mouse with model. Aux rack can be used as a desk, otherwise customer must provide work surface for Monitor/Keyboard/Mouse.

Note: Offline development can also be done with RIK0126A Virtual Workstation and eCS license.

When a Guru Server is present, System Controller can be replaced in the field and all information restored automatically with minimal administration intervention (just network settings and customization).

Related Documents:

Product Docs
Exchange System Controller EPC TIM Checklist

Product Docs
Identify Network MAC Address for Dynamic IP (DHCP)
Product Docs
Timezone and Clock Synchronization (NTP) on EPC
Product Docs
Exchange Overview for System Controller EPC TIM

Relevant Service Bulletins (FYI):
Product Docs
Service Bulletin - EPC Exchange (Guru ID from RIFL Hub)
Product Docs
Service Bulletin - RI8574 EPC Guru Network Performance, Reverse DNS Fixed with Local Hosts
Product Docs
Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC Fatal Application Error at Restart or Shutdown
Product Docs
Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC JFS Drivers Update
Product Docs
Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC Restart Failure
Product Docs
Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC System Controller 10 Amp Fuse (AR8V145A)
Product Docs
Service Bulletin - RI8574A EPC System RIFL Master PLL Upgrade (AR90HU5A)

Product Docs
Transfer EPC Guru and Applications Directories as .ZIP without Guru Server
Product Docs
Transfer Guru Objects as .GZP by Owner or All without Guru Server
Product Docs
Disable Connections to Guru Server (Guru Server Startup Flags)
Product Docs
Enabling Guru Connections with NoBackup and NoUpdate RiSystem Flags
Product Docs
Restoring Window List Widget to eCenter (ArcaOS or eCS)
Product Docs
Update to the latest Firefox web browser (ArcaOS)

Product Docs
Diagnose System Controller EPC TIM (Drive S.M.A.R.T. status), eCS
Product Docs
Calibrating the Cassini Time Base 10 MHz Oscillator
Product Docs
Replace CMOS Battery in EPC TIM

Product Docs
Serial Number Not Stored in tester issue during Startup
Product Docs
How to Resolve missing code for node Y0000000 Error
Product Docs
Repair RI GuruServer StartUp (Default Desktop)