This item will not be restocked when depleted and should be avoided for new designs.
This product entered limited availablity on 10/07/2020.
View RIKs with Limited Availability for a complete list.
Suggested Replacement: RIK0040B
Expiration Reason: Online learning has replaced in-person learning
Aditional replacements may be found by searching for RIK0040 (change the REV letter) or Test System Training Class (6 students).
View Basic Training Syllabus ยป
The course provides students with the information necessary to create, debug, and maintain test programs on Cassini. The general topics covered include the various instruments and features of the test system with an emphasis on fundamental production test techniques for DC, digital, mixed signal and microwave applications.
Price for class of 6 students is included in the purchase price of one Cassini system.
If the class is purchased separately, the price is $10,000 per maximum of 6 students. More students will require a separate training session.
Classes are taught at RI Santa Clara, CA.
Travel and lodging costs are not included in class price for students traveling to RI, or instructor to customer site.
The Basic Training Class is a necessary prerequisite for any Test System User. The class will enable the user to understand and correctly operate the Test System. RI Trained Users will have the skills and knowledge to quickly develop test plans that run faster, and to maintain and calibrate the Test System.
Related Documents:
Download Training Manuals
Online Training Materials (in Documentation):