This item will not be restocked when depleted and should be avoided for new designs.
This product entered limited availablity on 01/01/2011.
View RIKs with Limited Availability for a complete list.
Suggested Replacement: E
Expiration Reason: Optional Cassini Support Package
Aditional replacements may be found by searching for RIK0063 (change the REV letter) or Engineering Tech. Support Upgrade, 50 Hrs (ETS).
Includes up to FIFTY (50) HOURS of phone and email support for new engineering efforts including but not limited to information and questions about new applications and directions on how to use new measurements, new measurement techniques and new calculations. Engineering Technical Support includes engineering support for using enhancements to the system software and/or test executive to meet specific device requirements. Time will be monitored by RI engineers and accounted for in one hour increments. Customers will be notified quarterly of hourly consumption.
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