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40 GHz Calibration Kit Cal Service

Annual service for 40 GHz CASSINI Calibration Kits

Part Number: RIK0245A


Includes calibration of the entire RI Calibration Kit, including the 40 GHz Noise Source and K-Connector type Open/Short/Load Standards. Does not include repair/replacement charges (if any) or shipping charges.

Roos Instruments recommended calibration of the Cal Kits is required every 2 years. However, the Power Meter, Power Sensor and DMM can be (optionally) done with a 1 year calibration cycle.

To issue calibration documentation, cal data for ALL components of the kit need to be be provided to RI.

Typical Turn-around Times, per component: (This is after the components are received at RI)

Item NameVendorModel NumberTurn Time
DMMFluke87 IV 2 weeks
Power MeterSpanawave / Gigatronics8541C 2 weeks
Power Sensor - 40GHzSpanawave / Gigatronics80324A 4 weeks
40 GHz OSLAnritsu28K50-2 2 weeks
Noise SRC 40GHzMicroneticsNS346KA-CS3 5 weeks

Item Ref Part Number QTY Description Category Qty in Stock
1G7E3A62A1Noise Source calibration - NC4563Mntnnc
2G7E3AA2A12yr Cal Cycle for Z540 calibration services, SC5224 Cal Kit (20GHz)Mntnnc
3G8CV1N2A1Calibration Services for Power Meter & SensorMntnnc
4G8CV222A1Calibration Services for Digital Volt Meter DMMMntnnc
BOM Refreshed:05/11/2020 06:24 PM