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Attenuator Module, Fixture 20 GHz 31dB in 1dB steps

Attenuate RF Signals up to 31dB in 1dB steps

Part Number: RIK0254A

In Stock: 0

Estimated Restocking Time: 1-2 weeks


This RF Attenuator is ideal for applications where the signal is too powerful for the Receiver TIM.

Requires RIK0255A Driver Module and either a RIK0252A Carrier Mount (includes 10-pin ribbon cable) or RIK0251A Bottom Plate Mount.

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RI Fixture Module Application Note.pdfRI Fixture Module Application Note.pdf

Item Ref Part Number QTY Description Category Qty in Stock
1.GPVKXC2A1Step Atten, Fine, 31dB, 1dB/step (FATN20)RF
2.MPE7M31A4SCREW, FLAT PHIL, m2.5 x 4mmLHrdwr
3.MTANJ64A4Screw, Flat Phil, M2.5 x 8MML SSHrdwr
BOM Refreshed:05/11/2020 06:24 PM