This item will not be restocked when depleted and should be avoided for new designs.
This product entered limited availablity on 03/03/2020.
View RIKs with Limited Availability for a complete list.
Suggested Replacement: RIK0290B
Expiration Reason: Improved Functionality
Aditional replacements may be found by searching for RIK0053 (change the REV letter) or Fixture Cbits Controller (1 Module).
Adds additional control bits up to 8 additional switches or relays, plus 2 Opto isolated cBits. (per Module)
Compatible with All Carrier Types: Passive, Active, and RIFL (controlled by c-bits)
Related Documents:
User account required Create new account- Fixture CBits Controller
Item | Ref | Part Number | QTY | Description | Category | Qty in Stock |
1 | MPNR681A | 1 | Doc, Fixture CBits Controller | Dcmnt | ||
2 | Y0001QA3 | 1 | Switch Driver, Fixture* | Modl |