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Driver Board for Fixture Switches & Attenuators

Drive Fixture Switching to 20GHz

Part Number: RIK0255A


Driver board for high performance Fixture switches. Only this module is attached to the carrier directly and configured in the Fixture Def with the Device Connection Editor, the switch/attenuator modules are mounted to the Fixture with mounting hardware and cables sold separately.

Part #Description
Product Catalog
RIK0251ABottom Plate Mount, 20 GHz Pin Switch or Attenuator
Product Catalog
RIK0252ACarrier Mount, 20 GHz Pin Switch or Attenuator
Product Catalog
RIK0256ADriver Board, Ribbon Cable, 20" (Qty 1)

Fixture modules sold separately: RIK0250A Absorptive Switch , RIK0253A Reflective Switch, RIK0254A Attenuator .

There are three headers on the driver board (H3, H4, and H5) as shown in the Figure 6. The different headers provide specific voltage/current drive conditions to support multiple modules and types of modules. Reference the chart below for the required header for each type of module.

Module Header
Attenuator H3 only
MMIC Switch H3 or H4
Reflective Switch H3, H4, or H5
Absorptive Switch H3 or H4

Related Documents:

Product Docs
Fixture Module - Switch & Step/Attenuator Application NoteFixture,Specs,Test-planFixtures,Modules & RIKsToday

Item Ref Part Number QTY Description Category Qty in Stock
1Y000CNA11Pin Sw Atten Driver*Modl
BOM Refreshed:05/07/2020 06:23 PM