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This item will not be restocked when depleted and should be avoided for new designs.
This product entered limited availablity on 06/09/2017. View RIKs with Limited Availability for a complete list.

Suggested Replacement: RIK0135C

Expiration Reason: Raised pins 0.002 inches to make better contact with Prober (still works with DIBs too)

Aditional replacements may be found by searching for RIK0135 (change the REV letter) or Matrix DC Insert, 16 pin, with Shroud.

No New Designs

Matrix DC Insert, 16 pin, with Shroud

DC to DIB, 16 Pins, Shroud (DIB only, Probe Cards need revC)

Part Number: RIK0135B

In Stock: 0

Estimated Restocking Time: 12+ weeks (limited)

DO NOT use this for new Designs.

Suggested Replacement: RIK0135C

NOTE: Thread-locking fluid (RIK0204A) should be applied to screws.

Connects DC resources from Block to DIB. Includes a shroud to prevent shorting pins.

A 12 Pin Insert is available as RIK0115A

Part #ApplicationsDescriptionIN TYPEM/FQTYOUT TypeM/FQTYLength (in.)Max Freq. (GHz)QOHPriceSubCategory
Product Catalog
RIK0007AUsed to transfer DC power in fixtureDC Jumper Wires, 28AWG, 4"+8" (qty 20+20)DC (Jumper)F40DC (Jumper)F40800$446DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0007BDC Starter Kit for 8 Port FixturesDC Jumper Wires, 28AWG 4"+8"+12" (qty 20+20+20)DC (Jumper)F60DC (Jumper)F6012012$453DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0128ADC Starter Kit for 16 Port FixturesDC Jumper Wires, 28AWG, 12"+18" (qty 30&30)DC (Jumper)F60DC (Jumper)F601801$453DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0157ADC Power (Extra Long)DC Jumper Wire Set 28AWG 18" (40 pieces)DC (Jumper)F40DC (Jumper)F401805$368DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0190ADC power (Short), Daisy ChainDC Jumper Wires, 28AWG, 4" (qty 10)DC (Jumper)F10DC (Jumper)F10404$129DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0191ADC power (Mid)DC Jumper Wires, 28AWG, 8" (qty 10) DC (Jumper)F10DC (Jumper)F10805$129DC Wires (Jumper)
Product Catalog
RIK0192ADC power (Long), 20RF Top platesDC Jumper Wires, 28AWG, 12" (qty 10) DC (Jumper)F10DC (Jumper)F101203$129DC Wires (Jumper)

Related Documents:

Database 'Product Docs', View 'Manuals\Cassini Manual\Table Of Contents', Document 'DUT Interface Board (DIB) Design Guide'See Also DUT Interface Board (DIB) Design Guide for more overall design information and examples.

SubjectLast Modified
Product Docs
Matrix Top Plate RF Interfaces03/25
Product Docs
Test Fixture Design - Matrix Fixture Dut Interface Board (DIB) Layout02/11

Contact Support for assembly instructions.
Item Ref Part Number QTY Description Category Qty in Stock
1MTNYH51B1RIK0135B Insert w shroud Packaging Assembled*MscAssy
BOM Refreshed:05/11/2020 06:26 PM