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Matrix RF Insert, 15 GHz, 3 tab, SMA, QuickLock

For use with QuickLock clamp. RF signals from SMA cables to DIB board. Frequency Band to 15GHz

Part Number: RIK0212A

DO NOT use this for new Designs.
NOTE: Thread-locking fluid (RIK0204A) should be applied to screws.

Supports DIB launch signals up to 15 GHz. Use 3 tab launch pattern on DIB. Compatible with QuickLock DIB hardware.

Not compatible with previous style SMA Insert (RIK0117A).

Related Documents:

Product Docs
Matrix Top Plate RF Interfaces
Product Docs
Test Fixture Design - Matrix Fixture Dut Interface Board (DIB) Layout

5. RF Single SMA - 15GHz: RIK0212A

Consists of a single press in SMA adapter. It is designed for use on the Matrix top plate and is placeable at 0.5" pitch. It is intended to be for RF connections with a bandwidth up to 15 Ghz. The DIB interface has a cutout "tongue" that makes contact with the connector center conductor. Each of the ground pads have their own "tab" for connection.

NOTE: 50 Ohm trace is intentionally placed at edge of launch center conductor nearest DUT to prevent parasitic stub affects at frequency.

15GHz SMA Cable Side
15GHz SMA Interface Side
15GHz SMA Landing

SMA 3 launch dim DIB expanded.pdfSMA 3 launch dim DIB.pdfPDF drawing with dimensions for RIK0212A
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BOM Refreshed:05/11/2020 06:26 PM