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Matrix RF Insert, 6 GHz, Dual MCX

WF to DIB, 0-6 GHz MCX Cables to the DIB

Part Number: RIK0138A

In Stock: 0

Estimated Restocking Time: 1-2 weeks

DO NOT use this for new Designs.
NOTE: Thread-locking fluid (RIK0204A) should be applied to screws.

Connects 2 MCX Cables to the DIB using the Matrix Fixture.

Suitable up to 6 GHz.

Use this insert with these Cables. Note, the insert works best with straight cable connectors (RIK0206A, RIK0193A) due to the physical placement of the Pedestal Support.

Part #ApplicationsDescriptionIN TYPEM/FQTYOUT TypeM/FQTYLength (in.)Max Freq. (GHz)QOHPriceSubCategory
Product Catalog
RIK0238AModules to ModulesRF Cable, Coax, Flex 90° MCXM-MCXM 12" (1 Cable)MCXM1MCXM112616$102RF
Product Catalog
RIK0206AInsert to ModulesRF Cable Kit (Coax, MCXM - MCXM 90° Flex 13")MCXM1MCXM113615$88RF
Product Catalog
RIK0194AModules to Module (inserts prefer strait)RF Cable, Coax, Q-flex+, 90° MCX- 90°MCX 7" (1 cable)MCXF1MCXF17625$96RF
Product Catalog
RIK0193AModules to InsertsRF Cable, Coax, Q-flex+, (STR) MCX-MCX 7" (1 cable)MCXF1MCXF17610$118RF
Product Catalog
RIK0185AAdapt Top Plate Cables to Fixture ModulesAdapter MCX(M) Jack SMA(F) Plug (1 Adapter)MCXM1SMAF10647$44Adapters
Product Catalog
RIK0184ARi7100A Testhead to a Fixture Module or Insert (connecting to the DIB)RF Cable, Coax,Flex,MCXM-DINF 15.0" (1 Cable)MCXM1DINF115610$88RF
Product Catalog
RIK0073AModule to Module routingRF Cable Kit (3" MCX-MCX, 3 Cables)MCXF3MCXF33619$198RF
Product Catalog
RIK0072AModule (SMA) to InsertRF Cable Kit (5" MCX 90-SMA(M), 6 Cables)MCXF6SMAM6563$591RF
Product Catalog
RIK0005ARF Fixture Module to ModuleRF Cable Kit (7" MCX 90° to MCX 90°, 5 Cables)MCXF5MCXF5763$386RF
Product Catalog
RIK0002AWaveform signal to DUT, RI7100AWF Cable Kit (12" DIN to MCX 90°, 5 Cables)MCXM1DINM11264$456WF Cables (DIN - MCX)
Note: Subject to change.

Related Documents:

Product Docs
Matrix Top Plate RF InterfacesFixtureFixtures
SubjectTopic(s)CategoriesLast Modified
Product Docs
Service Bulletin - RIK0138A Dual MCX InsertFixture,SpecsAnnoucements,Cassini,Service Bulletins,Testhead12/15/2014

Item Ref Part Number QTY Description Category Qty in Stock
2M673SZ1A1SCREW, FLAT PHIL, 4-40 X 1/4", SS, BLK OX, W/NYLOCKHrdwr
BOM Refreshed:05/11/2020 06:25 PM